As we are well aware of the character of the industry to which investment agreements refer, we can offer our Clients professional support in this field. We advise different entities, both investors and companies, which seek external funding.
We draft investment agreements for transactions involving business angels. We not only draw up the necessary paperwork but also take part in the process of negotiating investment deals. Our offer includes providing legal counsel to venture capital and private equity funds, and we make sure their transactions proceed effectively and all issues are properly regulated.
The legal services of the investment processes which we offer include drafting term-sheets. These documents set out the key terms for the investment and the means for the transaction. The scope of our activities also includes drawing up exit agreements, loan agreements, including the so-called convertible notes.
The Linke And Partners Law Firm offers legal counsel at every stage of the investment process, before, during, and following the transaction. With our support, you can make beneficial decisions for your business and you don’t have to be concerned about any legal issues. We effectively secure your interests and we provide support in the scope of investment policy.
We perform legal audits of companies, which are due to become the subjects of investment processes. They provide reliable information regarding such a company and the condition it is in. Meticulous due diligence provides means for assessing if the planned investment is beneficial and allows for the discovery of any risks involved.