


M&A – what are Mergers and Acquisitions transactions?

Structural changes between companies under commercial law, referred to as M&A, make it possible to increase the economic potential of an entity, as well as to enter new markets and expand the target audience. What do M&A transactions are about and what is worth knowing about them?


Liquidation of a LLC – limited liability company in Poland

Liquidation of a limited liability company involves the termination of existence by the legal entity and its removal from the National Court Register. The course of the successive stages of extinguishment is determined by the provisions of the Commercial Companies Code. How does the liquidation of a limited liability company proceed step by step?


Liquidation of a General partnership in Poland

The unstable legal environment and numerous business challenges make many entrepreneurs decide to liquidate their business. We discuss step by step how the liquidation of a general partnership looks like and what to keep in mind so that the entire process is carried out as quickly and smoothly as possible.


Types of Business Entities in Poland

One of the first questions we as lawyers get from people who want to start their own company is: “Which company should I choose?”. The answer, as is usually the case with legal issues, is not simple. In Poland, in addition to a sole proprietorship, we have as many as seven types of commercial companies to choose from. These companies are described one by one in the Commercial Companies Code.


Family foundation in Poland – a new institution in the polish legal order

The family foundation is a new solution in the Polish legal order regulated by the Law on Family Foundations of January 26, 2023. The goal of the legislator was that family businesses, as a result of the death of the founder, would not be fragmented in terms of assets and could continue to develop over many generations.


VAT Registration in Poland – How to fill in the VAT-R form?

Carrying out business activities subject to value-added tax (VAT) requires becoming a VAT payer in the first place. In order to do so, you must submit the appropriate registration form. We explain step by step how to correctly fill out and submit the VAT-R form.


Limited liability company as a foreigner in Poland

During establishment process of a limited liability company, you should pay attention to whether the company will have the status of a foreigner or not. A statement on this status is a mandatory attachment to the application for registration of a limited liability company. Such a statement must also be submitted each time the status of the company changes in this respect.